
Revising Vocabuary

key date : day to remember
diagnosis : to recognize and name the exat character of the disease
curriculum : the group pf subjects studied in a school, college
internship (student) : someone who is finishing their trainig for a skilled job especially by obataining practical experience of the work involved
rehearse : prepare
humid : hot temperature
obligatory : compulsory : force to do something
ubiquitous : exist in everywhere
immitate : copy
exacerbate : to make something worse
extend family : big family living together
resemble : look like
determine : decide
surveillance : a careful watching of a person or place, especially by police
under surveillance : watching by police
abbreviated : shoter form

I'm very lack of vocabulary and feel that I have to improve more in this part. Anyway, if anyone have got more words and would like to put more or would like to share. Please, that will be very kind of you.

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