
Globalisation and useful idea of taking note

Today I have been reading some articles about globalisation and found it might be useful helping to understand more about this subject.



Furthermore, I have read about Summarising & note-taking that Dilek gave in class.

Useful idea for Taking notes

There are two main reasons why note-taking is important

1. Taking notes helps you concentrate and as taking note you should understand the text. As listening and reading are interactive tasks, taking notes help you make sense of the text. You need to actively decide what is important and how is related to what you have already written.
2. Notes help you to maintain a permanent record of what you have read or listened to. This is useful when revising in the future for examinations or other reasons.
Good notes should be accurate, clear and concise. They should show the organisation of the text, and this should show the relationship between the ideas.
How to take notes
1. List: numbers and letters can be used by themselves or in combination or using decimals
2. Diagram

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