
New month (Manchester)

Starting new month study with Manchester.

Today our homework is to discussed the following questions related to our subjects:

My major discipline is Cities, Design and Urban culture (MA). Let’s start with question

3. Can you explain one KEY CONCEPT from your subject?

The key concept for Cities, Design and Urban culture is to create a better living for the people in the city (urban). In fact, it looks for the problems in the city and finds the way to solve the problems by using the planning process and the design method to create and develop the city.

5. Are there any NOTIONS from your subject that are quite controversial or have caused disagreement and debate among academics?

For Thailand, there are some debates consider the planning project such as government, politic and occupation. Especially, the political issue sometimes does not rely and support the planning process because Thailand has too many of parties in parliament. Each party has their own viewpoint of development which does not connect to each other. Another point is the lack of urban planner and urban design to advice the better solution for the city.

6. How has your subject changed your STANCE on certain issues or your VIEWPOINT on life?(Think of two ways).

Firstly, it develops my planning process. Help the way of thinking to be more uncomplicated. Secondly, it improve my perspective from the small scale into larger scale. It makes me think in the bigger picture.

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