
Summarising the sentence

Summarise the sentence from sheet.

A: Imagine the opinions expressed in this letter come from a book called Is Fair Trade Really Fair? by Ralph Lee, Oxford University Press, 2002.Summarise her opinions in one sentence.

Ralph Lee has considerable concerned controlling on the pricing policy of Fair Trade products might be more justice and ethical (Ralph Lee, 2002).

B: Imagine the opinions expressed in this letter come from a book called Fair trade matters by Jan Montgomery and Montgomery Smith, Penguin, 2007.Summarise her opinions in one sentence.

Jan Montgomery and teams subscribed that “We need to wait a little longer before we truly understand the overall impact of the fair trade movements.”(Jan Montgomery, 2007)

C: Imagine the opinions expressed in this letter come from a journal article ‘Fair trade: a win win situation ’by Philippa Schofield. The article was published in June 2008 in the Journal of Rural Studies (Elsevier) Vol 2.Summarise her opinions in one sentence.

Philippa Schofield emphasized that Fair Trade products certainly help and improve the famers in developing countries to organize their marketing and selling (Fair trade, June 2008).

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