
Vocabulary from my reading

Vocabulary from “Modernism and the spirit of the city”

Contrary : describe a person who want intentionally want to disagree with and annoy other people
Juxtapose : to put thing which are not similar next to each other
Paradigm : a model of something
Notion : belief or idea
Absurd : ridiculous or unreasonable
Doom : death, destruction or very bad situation that can not be avoided
Variance : slightly formal when two more things are different
Constellation : any of group of stars in the sky which seem from earth to form a pattern and have been given names
Triumph : a very great success, achievement or victory
Eventuality : something unpleasant or unexpected that might happen
Struggle : to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something
Scheme : an officially organized plan or system
Antiquity : the distant past, especially before the sixth century
Inevitable : certain to happen and unable to be avoid or prevented
Albeit : although
Secular : not having any connection with religion
Salvation : being save from danger
Utter : complete or extreme
Incomprehensible : impossible or extremely difficult to understand
Immutable : not changing or unable to be change
Adequate : enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
Enlist : to ask for and get help or support from someone
Cartesian : specialized of or connected with the ideas and theories of the mathematician
Platonic : emotion is affectionate but not sexual
Divine : extremely good, enjoyable or pleasant
Bitter : describe a person who is angry
Initial : at the beginning
Bemoan : to complain about or express sadness
Banal : boring, ordinary and not original
Pioneer : a person who is one of the first to do something
Abandon : to stop or to leave
Apotheosis : the best or most extreme example of something
Endorse : to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone
Irrational : not using reason thinking or clear thinking
Inimical : harmful or limiting
Transitory : lasting for only a short time
Paradox : a situation which seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts

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